
NaturesGreen - Redefining Agri Living


The Co-farmers will not be required to pay any additional fees to NaturesGreen, and cash payments will not be accepted. However, the Co-farmers will be responsible for paying any necessary regulatory fees, such as Stamp Duty, Registration Charges, Cess, User Fee, Scanning Charges, 11 E-Sketch, Khata charges, registration day expenses, and so on, in addition to the amounts owed to NaturesGreen.

Although NaturesGreen does not offer assistance with obtaining bank loans, Co-farmers have the option to reserve the plot by paying a small amount, and there are other flexible payment options that can be negotiated with NaturesGreen.

The following points outline the basic components of the total cost.

  • ● To reserve a plot, there are certain fundamental costs that must be taken into account.
  • ● The first step is to make a token advance, which involves paying Rs 10,000 to lock the plot for a period of 48 hours
  • ● Within three days of making the token advance, the Co-farmer must sign the LOI by paying Rs 1,00,000.
  • ● a lump sum can be paid for property registration, or a flexible payment plan can be chosen with a partial down payment.
  • ● It is important to note that the price of the land does not include any applicable GST or regulatory dues.